
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Eve 2012

 I got just enough of my presents wrapped (the rest would have to wait until just before bed that night) in time to go to Christmas mass where Ella helped take up the gifts this year. Then it was on to Walker Christmas Eve.
 Can you tell how much Ella is not into taking her picture with Mom.
Lots of yummy food, the reading of the Christmas Story, silly cousins, and a million tiny pieces of wrapping paper later.

Then we headed home to leave our treat for Santa, sprinkle our reindeer food on the front lawn, and tuck the littles in bed.  So by about 10pm I got to start wrapping everything for the next day and Brandon got the dirty job of eating cookies and milk.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve Eve

Here are a few shots of our Christmas decor in a rare moment right before we headed out the door when the toys weren't covering every flat surface.
 Note the lack of ornaments in the Ryde-can-grab region of the tree, and lack of a topper because I can't find one that doesn't hit my ceiling.

We met up with the Parkers for Grandma Betty's Christmas at the Gasthof on Sunday. Ryder was tired but still a little angel. Ella got play and draw with cousins that she only sees a couple times a year and Grandma Betty had lots of sweet grandkids to love on.

We had the Station's Christmas dinner a day early since Mom and I neither would be available during the day Christmas eve to set it up.

Then of course I spent the rest of the evening soldering last minute Christmas gifts that I should have done weeks ago.

A visit from Santa

Santa stopped by Friday night just to make sure he had the most up to date list from the Parkers. He also reminded Ella that he was keeping an eye on her and to try really hard not to get her monster moved in class for talking out of turn ;) Her whole demeanor and how serious she took this conversation was priceless!

Ryder warmed up quicker than expected (not at all was expected) and sat on his lap with only slight hesitation this year. He even gave a high five and a fist bump.
 We heard from a little birdie that Santa would love some of Grandma Cindy's turnip kraut, so we hooked him up with an early Christmas gift.

 And he also insisted on a picture with Grandpa Jay before he left knowing full well that it would make it to all the guys at the station for an easy giggle.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Princesses, Bat Girl, and Superman, Oh my

Ryder missed out on most of the fun last week since he was still recuperating. Tuesday night Ella dressed up as Sleeping Beauty and we went visited family and a few friends. Then Wednesday night, we went to the Berea Church's Trunk-N-Treat and so glad we did. I was truly impressed by it all. They went to a lot of work to bring some great Bible stories to life for the kids and I think I learned a thing or two also. Ella had to tell Grandma and Dad all about it when we got home!
By Friday afternoon Ryder was back to good so they both got dressed up and we headed around to family that was expecting our late trick or treaters.
Ryder was Clark Kent and Ella changed things up and wore Ryder's back up costume to be Bat Girl. She rocked it!

Oh, and here is their loot.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

No rest for the weary and no meds for Rydie

Ryder had a runny nose and cough Friday and Saturday but by Sunday evening it had turned into a croupy/barky cough, fever, and lots of crying. I very rarely have taken my kids to the ER, but I felt it was best to go in case it was something more than a bad cold. Of course we get down there and the little turd stops coughing. The nurse later told me that the cool weather alleviates the symptoms a bit and this happens all the time. They said it was just viral which meant no bubble gum flavored cure this time. Then we went home and the poor guy coughed all night Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Finally last night was our first night in four that he didn't run a fever or cough all night, so I think things are looking up and he may just get to wear his superhero cape for a little late trick or treating.

Bye bye sweet baby curls

Last Thursday I took the kids in to Aunt Brittany for trims, and it was Ryder's very first. Not that he had a lot of hair, but he did have spots that were much longer than others and I had been putting it off anyway. He did very well, bribed by M & M's and sitting on Dad's lap. I just didn't want to part with those baby curls. And honestly, now that it is all the same length I may just let him grow it out a bit before we cut again. He looks like such a little man now, boo.