
Friday, July 20, 2012

Like A Little Fish

This is the first summer that Ella has gone to swim
lessons with Mrs. Kidwell. She has gone every day
this week and loved it. The first couple days she started
with the noodle and Hannah for support.
 When I came to pick her up on the third day she had a
surprise for me. The same Ella that can't stand to get water
in her eyes, won't take a shower, and constantly asks to wipe
her eyes when swimming was now going under water on her
own and was loving it. Hannah even gave her a popsicle
for going under, and she was super excited to get home
and tell Dad and Grandma what she can do.
 Then by the fourth night she was all the way in the deep
end and swimming on her own with just words of
encouragement. "You can do it Ella, long arms and quick feet"
I am so glad we did this and we will for sure continue next summer.
Thanks Mrs. Kidwell!

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