
Friday, July 20, 2012

Favorite New Toy

The day before Ella's birthday, my mom called to
ask how I felt about Ella having a touch screen gaming
device of some sort. I actually hadn't ever considered it because
thought she was too young. Boy was I wrong, she can do more on
it than Brandon or I. We went with the Kindle Fire because it
offered the most that the whole family could enjoy. I can read books,
Brandon surfs the internet, and Ella plays games.
I immediately knew that we would have to set some rules
as I refuse to have a child glued to a game all day, and so
far she hasn't had a problem with it. If she wants to play a
game she first has to complete one of the learning exercises
that I have downloaded, but she doesn't mind because they
are pretty fun as well.
Thanks Mom, we all love it!

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