
Friday, August 3, 2012

5 Year Check Up and Holiday World

Last Friday was Ella's 5 year check up, which also
meant kindergarten shots since she will be starting
school in 2 weeks. We couldn't get into see Dr. Bies
because I waited too long to make the appointment, but we
now have a new favorite back up for when we can't see Dr. Bies.
Ella saw Dr. Donald "Duck" McIntire and we loved him.
He told her to call him Dr. Duck and she loved that.
The appointment went well, she has really started thinning out this
year and is right on track for kindergarten. I had prepared her
ahead of time for the shots and she told everyone the two days
prior that she was "getting my kindergarten shots, but they won't
hurt too bad."
Even though she was prepared, after the first she wasn't digging it
and started crying and did reach once for the nurse before I grabbed
her hand. She says I lied and that "they did hurt a lot, Mom." Oops!
But as soon as we left the Dr. office we headed to meet Courtney and
Landrey for our trip to Holiday World and turn that frown upside down.

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