
Friday, August 3, 2012

We're Official

She has both a desk and locker with her name on it
in her kindergarten room.
And she even scored her friend/cousin Ava as a locker mate.
Thursday evening we went and registered for kindergarten,
and I'm honestly not sure which one of us was more excited.
Don't get me wrong I'm sure I will fall into a million tears
after I drop off my first born on her first day, but right now I am riding
the high of excitement that comes with all that is new and fun.
Of course the first thing we did was check the class list to see
who her teacher is and what friends might be in her class.
She has Mrs. Kidwell and even a few friends, so double awesome!
After we paid for her books and put the first money in her lunch account,
we headed over to the elementary school to check things out.
We found her room as well as desk and locker. I made sure she knew where
the bathroom was and we even practiced washing our hands.
Then we decided that since we practically had the whole place
to ourselves that we would get familiar with a few other key places.
 We found the library and the office, but were disappointed when we
couldn't find the art room and were told that due to budget cuts
there wasn't one anymore :(
We took a peek inside the cafeteria, which looks surprisingly
just the same as it did when I left this school almost 20 years ago.
Check it out! This is very same artwork from 20 years ago.
I don't remember if it was my grade or the grade ahead of me
that made it, but I sure remember this and can't believe it is still there.
That is Principal Lavely's silhouette in the middle.
Anyone else remember him?

1 comment:

Krista said...

WOW! I've wondered if that artwork was still up there! Crazy how little has changed!