
Thursday, August 30, 2012

What about Ryder

I post so much about Ella that I feel Ryde may be getting the shaft in the blog department, so I thought I would share a little about the cutest boy at our house. 

He started out life as arguably the most laid back baby anyone had ever met, but has now transitioned into a bit more whiny needy toddler. I attribute most of it to this very frustrating communication barrier that we have. The kid just flat our refuses to speak I tell you. So I might be a little grumpy too if you people just couldn't understand what I wanted of you. :) Ella was a pretty early and clear talker, but looks like Ryder will be a little late to that party. He totally gets what we are saying since he responds by shaking his head yes or no, walking to the person we are speaking of, or just screaming if he doesn't like what we have to say. We do get a few words though and I love to hear them when we do. Whether it is driving past them on the road, seeing them at the farm, hearing them mentioned, or simply driving past a cow pasture, the kid likes to "moooo". We also get "Mom", "Dad", "kiki" for kitty, and this week we got a "yeah" when we asked if he wanted to go outside.

He loves his big sister except when she gets in his personal space, but he thinks it's nothing a little shove and grunt can't fix.

He loves to be tickled, but laughs more at the anticipation than the actual act.

He loves his binky. They are nearly inseparable.

His new favorite way to fall asleep is while watching tv with Dad.
I've noticed that he likes to jabber and sing more when no one is around. Mostly through the glass door at the animals or while standing looking in his toy box.

He has been in a size 5 diaper for over a year now. Everything grows except that little baby butt.

He looks like a combination of Grandpa George and Uncle John with Brandon's eyes.

He is quite the daredevil and will climb on anything and everything he can manage. I see many ER visits in our future with this one.

If you are in a room with the door shut he will lay down outside and try to peek under it. Then he yells or sings until you come out.

He is in size 6 shoes, but still has quite the chubby feet.

I love how he tugs on his hair while he is falling asleep if he is over tired, and how he screams and giggles every time he sees my mom.

I love that he loves to cuddle when he is tired.

And here is his list of nicknames because he really only gets called Ryder when he is in trouble. :)
Ryder Willie
Rydie Butt
Rydie Man
Rydie Dude
Baby Dude
It just depends on the mood. This week he is Baby Dude.

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